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Meditate, Don't Hate!

Hello everyone and welcome to my blog post today about how to manage your daily stress by taking care of all three elements of your self; Mind-Body-Spirit with meditation.

I know that I personally benefit from daily mediation, and want others like you to give it a try. We all get caught up in life's daily stresses and forget to take a second to ground ourselves and just be in the moment. Stress can build up fast, but with some self discipline and training of yourself to clear your mind at least once a day can help put things in perspective.

Problems in life can feel overwhelming at times, really putting us to the test. Sometimes these are Karmic tests are meant to transform us, other times it is just a bit of tension to draw your focus to these areas that need work. Either way, it is important to remember that emotions are there as a signal to bring our attention to something. If we are feeling stressed it means that area of life needs attention. It is important to keep a clear mind and not let these things build up inside us, as it will cloud our perspective and make it harder to learn the necessary lessons. Meditation helps to strip away the superficial worries and views of our situations. It takes you to a whole different way of thinking, a whole different perspective. Its like the difference between us looking up at the sky while the world around us is bustling, and an Eagle's view of being on the highest mountain top looking down at all the people bustling around. Its a higher perspective tapped into your higher self.

The world tends to take this perspective away from us; life in general. We can't just keep living life on autopilot, you have to take control of the wheel and realize that you are the pilot not just a passenger. The turbulence can be a distraction from the beauty of the destination which is not far off on the horizon. If we let the turbulence intimidate us we will never know what lies beyond. Nor are we ready, as you have to pass through the storm before you are ready to take on bigger things.

Mind-Body-Spirit are all connected, as are all of us. In order to feel balanced, these three things must be in balance. Simple, right? Easier said than done, that is for sure. This takes constant work until it becomes a habit. Although, anything worth doing is worth doing with all your heart. This is yourself you are working on, of course it deserves hard work. This is the one area of life that should have your most effort. This is the foundation of your life. Just as each of us are unique, so are the needs for each of us to have a balanced Mind-Body-Spirit. What means balance for me, would most certainly be chaos for you and vice versa. This journey is as unique for me as it is for anyone; each and everyone of us should find that balance ourselves to know what works for us. I am not here to tell you what will work for you, but I am here to share with you what works for me so that it may help others discover what will work for them. How will you know if you don't try it out?

There are so many different ways to meditate. I personally have three ways that really connect with my spirit. First, is movement meditation. For some, this is running or doing some kind of exercise. Its that moment you feel your "in the zone". For me, this means putting my favorite dance jams on my MP3 player, put my ear buds in and my favorite funky tights and hoop dance my heart out!. For those of you who don't know what hoop dance is, it is basically hula hoop dancing. There is a huge, loving and supportive community of people within the hoop world and if you have not checked it out you totally should! For those of you who are not interested in hoop dance, there are other things that fall into this type of expressive art called Flow Arts, and some even incorporate fire into their flow. I love it!! Here is an awesome video explaining what Flow Arts really are!!

My second favorite way to meditate is through guided meditation. You can find so many different guided meditation videos on YouTube that there is something there that suits everyone's meditation needs. Check out some of these guided meditation videos from some of my favorite channels.

The last meditation method that I really like is binaural beats. This is a scientifically proven way to change your brain frequency to chill out as opposed to anxiously thinking of everything you possibly can at any given moment. Binaural beats can be found on YouTube as well. They play two different frequencies in each ear which trick your brain into creating a third frequency. Depending on what frequency you are creating, you get different results. Check out this article on the science of binaural beats. When listening to binaural beats it is important that you use headphone or ear buds to get the full effect of each beat in each ear. Here is a great example of a binaural beat meditation for soul mate attunement. It just gives you a general feeling of wellbeing when you are finished listening. Check it out!!

Meditation has been used for centuries for connecting with out higher selves. It is a great way to put things in perspective and see yourself and your life in a whole different light. It can leave you feeling balanced by grounding the mind, slowing the body down to relax, and connecting to your spirit. Leaving your Mind-Body-Spirit feeling energized and in harmony.

I would love to hear your meditation experiences. What methods work best for you? Have you tried my suggestions, I would love to hear from you! Let me know what you think about the blog in the comment section below.

Thanks for reading and I wish you all the love your hearts desires!



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